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My name is Olivia.
I'm a landscape photographer capturing moments that inspire my viewers to slow down and appreciate life more.
My talent with a camera has helped hundreds of people view life more beautifully. My Fine Art Photography graces homes around the globe and my clients are amazing!
When you view my photography collection or look into my custom photography services, I want you to get excited for the steps you're taking towards a more peaceful life!
"Liv Me Be" is a principle of living life authentically. I used to dim myself to make others comfortable, but that was leaving me empty inside.
Liv Me Be is a safe community where "I'll let You be You and you let Me be Me".
Have access to juicy content I share on my newsletter only!
So many of us go through life on autopilot that we forget the feeling to actually be alive.
We weren't put on this planet to work until we're old; we were meant to make an impact and share moments with loved ones.
Through my Photography, I'll remind you of the power you already hold within your mind. I offer tools to assist you in stepping into your full potential.
Reading my Blog will give you the inspiration to stop playing small and take chances. Do what makes you happy, take up space in the world, and be free!
Whether it's my Fine Art Photography, Portraits or my Blog; I'm here to guide you as you realign your priorities to feel empowered and ultimately YOU.
"Whenever I see Olivia’s work, I am drawn to it.
Her innocent attention to detail is breathtaking in every piece that she brings to life.
Her photography is done in such a way that it puts you in the scene as if you're there. Her eye and the way she views what she's capturing is an astonishing work of art and I am honored to be a collector."
"I see your pics online and appreciate you sharing them.
You and your family inspired me to dust off my cameras and start taking pictures again.
Stay safe and well. I look forward to seeing more of your works."
"Liv Jacobs, a very talented young woman.
Her photos are exceptional. She captures beauty all around her…from a patch of forget-me-not flowers, to a unique door handle, to the breathtaking landscape of the great outdoors.
Liv is a champion of the environment and protecting this beautiful planet.
I am so impressed with this gifted artist. Someday a Liv Jacobs original will be hanging in my house."
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